
The daily planner has been a great companion to me this year.

Started using it right from the beginning of this year covering diverse parts of my life. The most crucial is listing tasks for a day which give so much structure to my day and be focused. Otherwise the day just flies by and end up feeling unproductive.

Also the idea of using the unused space for doodles, using different colours of pens, sticking small tokens like a train ticket, event entry tickets, etc are other fun activities I do in it.

Thank you decluttercat for such a smartly designed planner.

Looking forward to more products from you!

~ Ankur Sharma

I absolutely loved the planner by Declutter Cat. The design is open ended, unlike other dated planners in the market and allows for day to day planning as well as ample spaces for recording free flowing thoughts.

Each month is separated by an empty segment to outline your goals for the next month and reflections from the previous one. The planner has beautiful designs all across which is nice to paint or draw on. I use it consistently, and have also used it as a gift to colleagues and friends.

Can’t wait to try out the other products by Declutter Cat.

~ Shruti Parija

After almost two years of Pandemic living, everyone one of us would have acknowledged the need of being organized in daily routines or to develop some hobby and what’s the first thing that comes to your mind ?

Look for a Interesting planner

That’s when a friend of mine suggested to follow Decluttercat page on IG

I fell for their idea of simplicity, doodling and space-to-think approach 🙂

At first, I was confused which one to go for ? Spaces or Scapes

I finally bought scapes planner as my 2022 new year’s inspirational gift

What is a better feeling than buying a fresh, clean, and new planner?

Once it arrived, I was so excited to take a look at all of the pages and see nothing but opportunity on how much more organized your life will be once you put it to use.

It’s easy to declare that you are going to start using a planner to organize your life, but in reality, it can take some time and understanding of the process to make using a planner successful in your everyday life.

But it was different this time with Decluttercat’s planner! Their clean design, the right amount space for daily and weekly notes, compact and most importantly the texture of the paper is so nice that motivates you to continue using the planner

It is the perfect size to stick in my work bag, it also just looks very nice sitting on my desk 🙂

Dot grid pages dispersed throughout the planner, and love the Doodles on almost every page 🙂

Declutter’s planner is so unique, simple yet functional, I can’t think of a similar planner to compare it to.

You can also get stickers from them to help you personalize your pages.

The planner made me so happy that I wanted to gift this cute planner to my friends and colleagues.

I placed a bulk order from Decluttercat and a box full of planners arrived at my doorstep in a couple of days 🙂

My best friends received Decluttercat’s planner (Scapes and Spaces) as New Years gift and they all loved it <3 My mother, who is into teaching profession kept a planner for herself, she plans her classes and tests on Spaces planner!

I have creative colleagues who love to plan, design and scribble their ideas, our mornings begin by most of us taking out Decluttercat’s planner to check our schedule/upcoming meetings for the day

It’s so hilarious at times when we peek into each other’s similar looking planners

At Fika (Swedish word for taking coffee breaks), we check-out for doodles and sketches while enjoying conversation with each other 🙂

Declutter cat’s planner has been a hit at our company 🙂

Lots of Love and wishes to the planner team

~ Vinutha Dhananjaya

Decluttercat’s planners are made with love. One can find it evident in the quality of the pages, the rounded edges and the endearing little sketches that herald the start of each new month. If you are one that likes to put your thoughts into words and to jot down reminders everyday so that there’s more room in your head for thoughts that really matter, then this is the perfect companion.

I’ve been using this planner since the beginning of 2022 and its got a lot of non-prompting space for me to scribble and sketch. It’s a nice little habit to have despite the hustle and bustle of life. I suppose everyone has their own way to declutter their minds and this planner is surely one tool that helped me get sweepin’ this new year!

~ Vivek Ramachandran

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