Decluttering As An Activity
Decluttering As An Activity

Decluttering As An Activity

Decluttering is a smart place to start if you’re looking for an easy solution to reduce stress. Getting rid of unnecessary belongings can improve your mental health by making you feel calmer, happier, and more in command. A cleaner environment might lead to a more comfortable atmosphere.

Quick question – Do you think clutter can be overwhelming?

If yes, then don’t worry, you are not alone. A majority of people believe that clutter can be overwhelming.

Decluttering As An Activity

There is an old adage that says, “Clutter is chaos. It’s a suffocating presence”.

How very true.

But there is a silver lining among all that clutter, for on the other side of it, awaits a feeling of peace, calm and tranquillity.

How To Declutter Your Space?

Purging your home of unnecessary things is important in the process of decluttering. If you keep the process low-stress, you’ll gain more of the mental health benefits of decluttering.

Here is a small blueprint for you to help you declutter –

1) Start small, set aside a few minutes a day to declutter.

2) Identify areas in the house that you want to tackle.

3) Be reasonable with “what you need” and “what you can do without”.

4) Be consistent. It only takes a few days to build a habit.

5) Make a plan, stick to it and track your progress.

Now that you know the process, where are some important points that will help you declutter your space swiftly and effectively –

Start Small

You’ll be less likely to become disheartened if you organise only one drawer or cupboard. The pleasure you will derive from seeing and using a well-organized room will serve as positive reinforcement, encouraging you to do more.

Build Incentives

You’ll be motivated to organise your kitchen if you invite friends over for dinner. You’ll have a deadline for finishing your decluttering if you appoint someone to collect your unwanted goods. Allow additional time for decluttering, as it can take longer than you imagine.

Do Not Strive For Perfection

Decluttering is a gradual process and one that cannot be perfected in the first go. You don’t need to hide goods that you use frequently. Also, try not to compare your living environment to that of others. With time, you will be able to declutter your living space in an effective manner.

Questions To Ask Yourself In Order To Declutter

It is very easy to get swept up by the endless organising hacks and products available to us today. However, real decluttering is deeper than that.

Decluttering starts with a change in mindset. A mindset to clear away all of the excess stuff in our lives.

The starting point is always the toughest part of decluttering. We’ve come up with an easy way to help you in this endeavour. All you have to do is think about a few categories into which you would like to “box” things. Here are the boxes that can help you declutter your space –

  • Of Use box
  • Sentimental box
  • Maybe Someday box
  • Repair box
  • Donation box

There are some basic questions you can ask yourself to identify the appropriate box.

“Do I Use It?”

Knowing when you last used the item is important. If you don’t use it as much as you did, maybe you are done with it and it’s time to let go. You don’t have to be an extreme minimalist but set yourself some strong boundaries and abide by them. We recommend 3 years.

“Do I Have Another Of These?”

Get rid of multiples! If at all you can’t seem to part with something for sentimental reasons, set a limit like maybe owning only two or three of a kind.

“Is It Good Or Good Enough?”

You are a step closer to a shift in mindset if you can learn from past purchasing mistakes. Was this a spur of the moment purchase? Would you buy this item again if you could do-over? Do you need this item in your life going forward?

“Will I Miss It If It Were Gone?”

Why have I been keeping this? It is okay to want to hold on to some things for their sentimental value like your newborn baby’s blanket. But again, set a limit on how many things you can keep for the sake of keeping.

“Am I Holding Onto This Out Of Guilt?”

Just because you spent a lot of money on it or someone gifted it to you, doesn’t mean you can’t part away with it. It is helpful to remind yourself that if it no longer fits in with your current lifestyle, it is simply adding to your clutter.

“Did I Even Remember I Owned This?”

You probably forgot it existed because it isn’t useful or meaningful to you anymore. If it does not spark jot when you rediscover it, let it go.

“Will I Really Repair This?”

How many items in your home are waiting for this question to be answered? If they have been sitting there for months or even years, and you have forgotten about them, make sure you do away with it.

“In What Situation Would I Want This?”

You might often tell yourself, “I don’t use this now but I might in the future”. In most cases, this seldom happens. It is fine to save some things for a rainy day, afterall, decluttering is all about finding out what works for you. We recommend that you send off such things on little vacations! Lend it to a friend or pack it in a box until it is either put to use or you are ready to use it.

Difficulties With Decluttering

Getting rid of belongings may be difficult for anyone, especially as we age. The older we become, the more things we accumulate that we don’t need. Although we accumulate fewer items after the age of 50, many older adults are also less reluctant to sell or give away their belongings.

According to a recent survey, one-third of the people over the age of 70 indicated they had not thrown anything out in the previous year. This is because it takes a lot of physical effort to get rid of clutter and older individuals don’t always do it.

Family members can assist in such situations. It’s preferable to deal with clutter at a young age.

When it comes to clutterers and decluttering, keep the following in mind:

Characteristics of clutterers

People who struggle with clutter frequently:

  • Have trouble with time management and stop tasks before finishing.
  • Have a hard time quitting and starting projects.
  • Have trouble focusing and get distracted easily.
  • Are “people persons” who spend a lot of time doing things with and for others.
  • Make a habit of procrastination.

What Are The Benefits of Decluttering?

Most people experience an increase in tension when they are in an untidy atmosphere. In one study, women who used positive language to describe their homes had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol than women who used negative language to describe their homes as messy or incomplete.

This is why you should give special attention to decluttering your surroundings. Tidy surroundings are connected to healthier choices. Moreover, decluttering can boost productivity and improve mental and physical health for the majority of people.

The following are some of the advantages of decluttering:

Better Focus

It’s difficult to find what you’re looking for when there’s a lot of clutter around. It may also serve as a source of distraction. Getting rid of visual clutter can help you focus better on whatever activity you’re working on.

Boost in Self-Esteem

You may feel out of control if you have problems remaining organised. Improving your living area might help you regain confidence and pride in yourself.

Improved Lifestyle & Well-Being

In a clean kitchen, it’s easier to cook healthful meals. In addition, most individuals sleep better in a clean room with a clean bed.

In a quest to declutter your kitchen space, make use of Decluttercat’s handy meal planners. They are available for purchase on the website.

Staying Healthy

Your home may appear messy, but not filthy. Decluttering can help to keep pests at bay as well as reduce dust, mold, and mildew, all of which can aggravate asthma and allergies.

Better Relationships

When one person can’t regulate clutter, it might lead to conflict with family or housemates. You may also feel more at ease welcoming guests into your home if it is clean.


As you can see, there are numerous advantages to decluttering. The sooner you begin to organise your belongings and clear out your area, the better you will feel physically and mentally.

So what are you waiting for? Adopt a mindset of decluttering and reap the benefits of this priceless activity.

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